Local Incident Management Team Facilitated Online Exercising Solution – Tagged "English" – Page 2 – RSMUniversity

Local Incident Management Team Facilitated Online Exercising Solution

The ability to exercise leadership teams at the point of an emergency situation is critical in order to ensure a confident, timely and effective response to an incident. Often the local incident management teams are overlooked in terms of testing their emergency response strategies, given they are typically globally dispersed, and it is neither cost effective nor practical to deploy expert facilitators to conduct in-person exercising and testing. Our solution is reflective of ISO standards on risk management [31000], business continuity [22301], emergency management [22320], and BSI standards on Crisis Management. Our solution offers a wide range of scenarios to select from, within a dynamic and ever growing ‘Emergency Management Library’. The system includes a briefing tutorial which explains how the exercise works, as well as some common crisis management considerations; before offering multiple humanmade crisis and natural disaster scenarios to select from. Organizations can select scenarios to exercise management structures, critical and time sensitive decision making processes, and organizational standards and practices against identified high-probability or high-impact threats. Or, the exercise selection can be used to meet the planning needs of an upcoming period of risk, to address the needs of an emergent threat, or to ensure that exercising remains fresh and interesting for participants during the application of a long-term leadership awareness and competency program.

Access to the program can be from 1 to 5 years, allowing management teams to draw from a wide range of exercises as part of a long-term learning and testing solution. Certifications are issued against the scenario to protect organizations from reputational and litigation risk – evidencing good duty of care and effective organizational resiliency measures.